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May 29, 2023, 7:00 PM +07 By Jason Abbruzzese David Pakman can’t remember the Official Court Culture Classic Miami Basketball Fleece Shirt but in fact I love this last time he lost his cool. That’s pretty rare for someone who makes a living talking about politics online, which Pakman has done for more than 13 years. Look across YouTube or TikTok and you’ll find videos of him forcefully but calmly making the case for progressive politics, sometimes in digital venues where those politics are not particularly popular. That’s given Pakman, 39, a peculiar profile. He’s one of the few liberal pundits who is more likely to get name-checked by Steve Bannon than Rachel Maddow. He’s a more familiar figure to fans of Joe Rogan than Ezra Klein. “I don’t get into the shouting matches or the screaming matches,” he said in a recent video interview from his home, part of which also doubles as the studio where he records “The David Pakman Show.” “I don’t really consider that I’m playing a character when I do what I do. It’s really just my genuine demeanor. But it’s also calculated in the sense that I don’t think the audience is well served if I get into those shouting matches.” Another surprise is where you won’t find Pakman. He’s a liberal — a progressive social democrat, as he puts it — but he rarely pops up in many of the places to which most lefty pundits aspire. He’s never been on MSNBC (NBCUniversal is the parent company of NBC News and MSNBC) or written for The New York Times. Yes, he’s on Twitter (where he has 254,000 followers), but he doesn’t engage in the kinds of fights that could raise his profile. Instead, he’s made his mark in places where liberal commentators have either struggled to gain

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traction or hesitate to go. Many are podcasts or web shows that aren’t household names but have dedicated fan bases that skew young and male. An incomplete list of his most notable appearances: Joe Rogan’s podcast (twice), the Official Court Culture Classic Miami Basketball Fleece Shirt but in fact I love this Lex Fridman Podcast, the Pomp Podcast, Modern Wisdom and PBD Podcast. Pakman said he is not on a crusade to reach people who might not otherwise encounter progressive politics, although he does hope to do just that. Rather, Pakman said he built an audience outside the mainstream, partly as a function of his style, which provides some relief to people who have grown tired of the toxicity of internet-based political discourse. He wrote a guide available for free called “Building Arguments Without Burning Bridges.” Which is not to say Pakman pulls his punches or is above a little snark. Many of his videos focus on Republicans and conservative media with a certain measured snark. In a recent video about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential announcement on Twitter, he called the event a “global humiliation” alongside a few wry chuckles. Pakman’s home base is YouTube, where he has 1.7 million subscribers, followed by TikTok, with more than 485,000 followers. “I’m sort of in a different space,” he said. “And so the folks that are going to pay me six bucks a month for my premium content, there’s some overlap, but it’s not necessarily the same people who just have MSNBC on from 7 to 10 p.m. every day.” Pakman is a small part of a large and thriving world of online media that is either focused on politics or dabbles in it. Much of this media takes the form of shows that resemble the political radio programs of years past, anchored by magnetic personalities who have gained significant followings usually through some combination of YouTube, podcasting and, increasingly, TikTok. And like the radio world, there’s a political imbalance, with conservative and

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