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set his sights on joining the Official Fix Obstruction Shirt but in fact I love this military in the years following World War II. In 1948, his mother agreed to sign papers allowing Story to enlist in the Army. She listed his birthdate as July 20, 1931. But Wade said she later obtained a copy of her uncle’s birth certificate that showed he was born in 1932 — which would have made him just 16 when he joined. American prisoners of Vietnam war reunite after 50 years MAY 30, 202302:46 Story left school during his sophomore year. In the summer of 1950 he deployed with Company A of the 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment to Korea around the time the war began. On Sept. 1, 1950, near the village of Agok on the Naktong River, Story’s unit came under attack by three divisions of North Korean troops that moved to surround the Americans and cut off their escape. Recommended WORLD Elon Musk meets Chinese foreign minister, who calls for ‘mutual respect’ in U.S. relations WAR IN UKRAINE Russia issues arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham after Ukraine comments Story seized a machine gun and fired on enemy soldiers crossing the river, killing or wounding about 100,

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according to his Medal of Honor citation. As his company commander ordered a retreat, Story rushed into a road and threw grenades into an approaching truck carrying North Korean troops and ammunition. Despite being wounded, he continued fighting. “Realizing that his wounds would hamper his comrades, he refused to retire to the Official Fix Obstruction Shirt but in fact I love this next position but remained to cover the company’s withdrawal,” Story’s award citation said. “When last seen he was firing every weapon available and fighting off another hostile assault.” Story was presumed dead. He would have been 18 years old, according to the birth certificate Wade obtained. In 1951, his father received Story’s Medal of Honor at a Pentagon ceremony. Story was also posthumously promoted to corporal. About a month after Story went missing in Korea, the U.S. military recovered a body in the area where he was last seen fighting. The unidentified remains were buried with other unknown service members at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Hawaii. According to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, more than 7,500 Americans who served in the Korean War remain missing or their remains have not been identified. That’s roughly 20% of the nearly 37,000 U.S. service members who died in the war. Memorial Day celebrations across the U.S. honor military service and sacrifice MAY 30, 202301:56 Remains of the unknown soldier recovered near Agok were disinterred in 2021 as part of a broader military effort to determine the identities of several hundred Americans who died in the war. Eventually scientists compared DNA from the bones with samples submitted by Wade and her mother before she died in 2017. They made a successful match. President Joe Biden announced the breakthrough April 26 in Washington, joined by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol. “Today, we can return him to his family,” Biden said of Story, “and to his rest.” The Associated Press

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