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May 28, 2023, 5:00 PM +07 By Alex Seitz-Wald He’s 80 years old. He’s got a demanding day job. And he was never the Official saint Storm Shadow Shirt moreover I will buy this world’s most electric campaigner to begin with. To win re-election, President Joe Biden plans to tap an expansive stable of friends and allies to go where he can’t, say what he won’t and be what he’ll never be. Campaign surrogates are nothing new. William McKinley deployed 1,400 when he campaigned for the White House in 1896, while he mostly greeted supporters from the front porch of his home in Ohio. But Biden’s nascent re-election campaign has invested early — before it even has a headquarters and ahead of what former President Barack Obama did in 2012 — in what veteran operatives say is an unusually robust operation to tap the star power of the Democratic Party, most of which is outside the White House. “President Biden, as he has proven this week, is very busy being president,” said Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., a campaign co-chair who was one of several surrogates who made themselves available to cable news bookers and other journalists while Biden was overseas this month. “Our president has assembled a group that includes some truly promising up-and-coming leaders from across the country.” At their best, campaign surrogates are a win-win: The campaign gets force multipliers, validators and access to their grassroots networks. The surrogates, meanwhile, get important entrees, a bit of spotlight and some chits to cash in. But surrogates also have their own interests and proclivities — and a well-documented tendency to go off-script. And an overreliance on them could open Biden to criticism that he’s reprising the so-called “basement campaign” of 2020 because he’s unable or unwilling to hit the stump himself. (Former President Donald Trump frequently taunted Biden for not

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being out campaigning more.) “Part of a re-election campaign means that the Official saint Storm Shadow Shirt moreover I will buy this president is actively governing as president. That’s the reality. So I think smartly addressing the reality means you have to leverage the networks and other voices in the party,” said a source familiar with the campaign’s planning, who was granted anonymity to discuss the inner workings. The campaign said it has already coordinated over 185 interviews in a wide variety of national and local media, in both English and Spanish, a broad-spectrum multiplatform approach that it hopes will help the message break through in a fractured media landscape. The campaign’s core surrogates — its six co-chairs and the 50 members of its National Advisory Board, in addition to Vice President Kamala Harris — were chosen not just for loyalty or stature or political needs, but also because they all agreed to be available and do the work. “We anticipate being very active,” said Rep. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla., 26, a progressive freshman who is a rising star on the left. “It’s definitely more than a list of 50 names. I think the president really wants to put together a list of people who are ready to work.” That will mean appearing at fundraisers and in-person events, participating in media interviews, posting on social media and tapping their own local support networks. Administration officials and many others will be included, too, such as when Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg appeared at a recent Biden fundraiser in New York. Jim Messina, who ran Obama’s re-election campaign, said surrogates are critical to fundraising efforts and as outside validators for an electorate increasingly cynical about politics. And the sheer number of media and social media platforms these days means the campaign needs lots of help to reach them all, he said. “What is true, and this

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