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properties is thought to be one of the Official James Lindsay Join Or Die We Are The People Shirt besides I will buy this best ways to understand the earliest days of the solar system. “They’re pretty well untouched from right around 4.5 billion years ago,” Betts said. “To get insights into these rocks gives real power to not just the science of asteroids but to everything in our solar system.” Researchers are keen to understand what role — if any — asteroids played in the emergence of life on Earth. There are theories, for instance, that asteroids and comets may have delivered water and other building blocks of life to the planet. Bennu has also been of interest to scientists because, like other near-Earth asteroids, it is classified as a potentially hazardous object. NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office previously estimated that there is a 1 in 2,700 chance of Bennu slamming into Earth sometime between the years 2175 and 2199. Recommended CLIMATE IN CRISIS Richard Branson has an urgent message for climate change deniers DATA GRAPHICS Northern lights activity is sky-high, and scientists say more is yet to come It’s estimated that the sample return capsule contains around 8.8 ounces of rocky material from Bennu. After it

Official James Lindsay Join Or Die We Are The People Shirt

is recovered, the Official James Lindsay Join Or Die We Are The People Shirt besides I will buy this capsule will be transported to a temporary clean room on the military range before being flown to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. Agency officials said they hope to open the capsule on Monday or Tuesday, though it may take around a week before scientists can accurately weigh how much rocky material is inside. The Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft unfurled its robotic arm on Oct. 20, and in a first for the agency, it briefly touched a well-preserved, ancient asteroid, known as Bennu, to collect dust and pebbles from the surface for delivery to Earth in 2023.NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft (short for Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer) spent nearly two years circling Bennu before using its robotic arm in what was described as a “high five” maneuver to scoop up pieces of the space rock. Early Sunday, the spacecraft jettisoned the samples as it skirted 63,000 miles above Earth’s surface, sending the capsule screaming through the atmosphere at around 27,650 mph. A series of parachutes helped slow the capsule before it touched down in Utah’s western desert. While these are NASA’s first samples collected and brought back from an asteroid, they are not the first in history. Japan’s Hayabusa mission in 2010 delivered to Earth a few micrograms of material from an asteroid called Itokawa. A second mission, dubbed Hayabusa2, delivered to Earth a small sample from an asteroid known as Ryugu in December 2020. The $1 billion OSIRIS-REx spacecraft may have completed its high-profile delivery, but the probe is not yet finished with its journey. After releasing the sample capsule, the spacecraft fired its thrusters to take it beyond Earth and on a course to investigate another asteroid known as Apophis. This space rock, which measures about 1,200 feet across, is projected to come within 20,000 miles of Earth in 2029. As part of its extended mission, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will take careful measurements of the space rock’s orbit. NASA also intends to approach Apophis and use the spacecraft’s gas thrusters to dislodge and study rocky material from the asteroid.

Official James Lindsay Join Or Die We Are The People Shirt hoodie

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